More often than not I am very uncomfortable in my skin. The constant daily struggle with body positivity
makes it hard to see myself as a sexy, confident woman is hard AF! I’ve witnessed remarkable women, who I admire and respect, embarking on their own boudoir journey and every time I would be wishing with every fiber of my being. “Why can’t that be me?”
One day I had this thought out loud with a girlfriend. She, a beacon of unwavering support, transformed those six words into a powerful sentence. “Why can’t it? Do it, girl!” she exclaimed, her voice brimming with encouragement, echoing the collective strength of women uplifting one another.
OH Honey Studio spoke to me! I had done a lot of research when looking for the perfect boudoir photographer. Yet, time and time again, I found myself coming back to the OH Honey website.
Chantelle’s unwavering dedication to empowering women and igniting their self-assurance resonated with me on a profound level. I booked my session with Chantelle before I had a chance to talk myself out of it.

An overwhelming wave of nerves washed over me, intertwining with a glimmer of anticipation. The mere possibility of feeling and looking as sexy as all the boudoir shoots I’d spent hours obsessing over on Pinterest! However, if I were, to be honest, I was still feeling nervous. My brain was going 100 miles an hour thinking about all the “what if’s”. What if I hate how I look? What if I look terrible in lingerie? What if I look like I am trying too hard? All of these feelings and thoughts could not have been further from reality when it came to my shoot.

Chantelle and her talented make-up artist welcomed me with such warmth and genuine kindness. When I saw myself in the mirror with my hair and make-up done at that moment, I couldn’t help but think, “This is going to look absolutely breathtaking on camera!” I was so excited! During the shoot, I felt comfortable, seen, and truly sexy. There were absolutely some moments of doubt though, like when Chantelle would put me in some awkward pose and tell me to trust her. And I am so glad I did trust her. The results speak for themselves!
Seeing my images for the first time felt like a dream! I was stunned Chantelle was able to make me look like that on camera. I couldn’t believe I was the sexy woman staring back at me in the photos and the outfit choices were perfect! Although surprisingly my favourite shots ended up being the nude/white sheet ones where more of my body was on display!
If you, like me were on the fence about having a boudoir session then my advice to you would be: JUMP OFF THAT FENCE! It might be scary and you might be nervous just like I was but the feeling once you see those images is like nothing else. The confidence you gain when you realise just how sexy and beautiful you really are is completely worth the nerves you’ll feel beforehand. Chantelle did the absolute most and I am forever grateful for her professionalism and kindness throughout my boudoir journey. I would recommend OH Honey Studio again and again.